Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Every since I was little I've always admired people who could dance. I think dance is a poetic outer expression of the passion in one's heart. I once read, "You can dance anywhere, even if only in your heart." Because dancing is something that I am not good at, I would like to consider myself a "heart-dancers."

Weapons of David Hip Hop Dance Ministry consists of a group of students that use dance to fight against temptations, addictions and peer pressure. They dance with such power and passion it provokes all who see them to dance right where you are... Not just in your heart. For more information on this dance group please visit the above website. I'm very proud to share that WOD recently competed in the Cheer Sport Grand Championship, they won first place in the Senior Hip Hop Division. They were the first Christian dance group to compete in the history of the Cheer Sport Grand Championship. When you promote God, he'll promote you.